Friday, August 22, 2008

Petyak Pet Pygmy Rhino

My brother and I were talking about wild animal pets this morning, and the following comment ensued ...
ryan: new favorite animal
pygmy RHINO!
me: haha
ryan: no more french bulldog
... christy and i are gettting a pygmy rhino
we will never have to worry about someone breaking in
that horn

First of all, Ryan, you are NUTS.

But for fun I had to see what his finance would say. So, copy, paste, presto, change-o, I sent the IM conversation to Christy and her response had me laughing out loud at my desk. So of course, after asking her permission, I had to share! :)

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Christy Engstrom wrote:
there are no words sometimes...however..our pygmy rhino will live at the zoo and our french bulldog will be our pet..
this is exactly why god created woman..... haha

I love these two!

(Caption for photo Creator Comments: After years of genetic engineering and testing, the first Pygmy Rhino to survive to adulthood was received last month by construction magnate J.T. Smith. The project of creating a "pet" rhinoceros was a massive undertaking by many of the world's leading minds and was financed solely by the eclectic Mr. Smith himself. "I hope to have many of the earth's large beasts recreated in this manner," said Smith. "It is my dream for every household that wants one to someday have one. I'd like to see the boring pets of today replaced by these breakthrough wonders of science and technology. These are the dogs and cats of tomorrow.")

The happy couple (minus the pet rhino or french bulldog)

Follow up conversation:
me: (check your email ... i had fun over my lunch break)
ryan: yeah ... i got it.
i want one.
and i read what christy said ... she doesnt see the big picture.
when its spiking someone that broke into our appt she would be happy!
me: haha
what about the dog though?
2:44 PM would the dog and the rhino get along?
ryan: of course ... roughly the same size
they would frollock together
me: the horn might be a problem
ryan: no ... only for love
we would work with him
2:45 PM me: your house is going to be a zoo
ryan: just like dogs have sharp teeth, the rhino has a sharp horn.
only use when necessary
alright toodles
me: bye

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