Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Walk a Mile ... or more.

"Lots of people spend a year abroad, but how many decide to spend it traveling thousands of miles on foot? That’s exactly what Christoph Rehage did, and the travails of his journey can be read not just on his blog, but on his face, as you can see in The Longest Way 1.0 Web video.

Setting out in November of 2007, Rehage initially planned to walk from Beijing to his home country of Germany. He didn’t quite reach his goal, but he did walk almost 2,900 miles over varying terrain. He recorded almost daily self-portraits, with diverse locales behind him—the imperial burial grounds in Shaanxi, the Great Mosque of Xi’ian, the ruins of the ancient city of Gaochang—quickly flipping by. The result of a lot of sun and wind shows, as well as the passage of time through beard growth and increasingly wild hair. Cleverly edited to the Kingpins “L’aventurier,” this five-minute-plus clip shows one man’s adventure in a new and very entertaining way."

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