Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Out of touch.

Took a quick break from reality to visit with friends from the other side of the world. Had a Spaniard and a Kiwi sharing my living space for the past 4 days - what a fantastically fun experience. Good food, lots of wine, site-seeing all of the places I feel like a local, great conversation and tears from laughter. Claire and Emma - you were wonderful guests. I will miss you dearly. Good luck on the rest of your travels.

That said - I have many posts to catch up on and many links to pass along. In honor of Claire and Emma though, I do want to pass this along as I find it a great way to travel and a wonderful idea. Perhaps I am an idealist, but if we all took some time to talk to people from other countries, did some global networking and even gave people who needed a couch a place to sleep for a night, this world could in fact be a better place.

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